Who was affected?

93,000 individuals who have received a hip prosthesis from DePuy Orthopedics Inc., a subsidiary of Johnson & Johnson, may be in need of revision surgery. Two of DePuy's orthopedic products, the ASR Hip Resurfacing System and the ASR XL Acetabular System, were recalled on August 26, 2010, after data from the National Joint Registry revealed that one in every eight people with these systems required a follow-up revision surgery.

If you or a loved one has received a hip implant recently, or within the last 7 years, and have experienced pain, swelling, or problems walking, please contact The Law Offices of Howard A. Snyder or call toll-free at (866) 739-8546.

What are the symptoms of a defective devise?

Some of the symptoms that indicate a need for a revision surgery include:

•Loosening of the implant, when it does not stay in its proper position against the bone

•Fracture of the bone surrounding the implant or

•Dislocation of the implant, when the two adjoining parts are no longer correctly aligned

DePuy implants consist of ball and socket components made of metal that rub against one another as the joint functions  These implants, also known as metal-on-metal implants, often wear down over time, leaving small traces of metal within the blood, bone, and muscle tissue. While these traces are often too small to detect, thousands of people have reacted to these particles which can cause swelling, pain, and even permanent muscle, bone, and nerve damage.

If you have felt any of these symptoms, you should contact The Law Offices of Howard A. Snyder or call toll-free (866) 739-8546 to discuss your case.

What will my doctor do?

We recommend you use caution when discussing the detail of your case with anyone outside our law firm.  But your surgeon who performed your hip operation should have a record of which prosthesis was used, and may take blood tests, x-rays, an ultrasound or an MRI to determine if you are in need of a follow-up operation.

What if I don’t have any pain?

If you have received one of the recalled products but have not felt any symptoms or pain, you should still contact us or call toll-free (866) 739-8546.  We may want you to follow up with your doctor who performed the surgery, to ensure that the replacement continues to function properly.  A blood test maybe warranted as well to determine if metal fragments have entered your blood stream.  We feel its imperative you speak with an attorney who can best help you preserve your legal rights and that you not rely on Johnson & Johnson and Depuy Orthopaedics look out for your best interest.  Contact us or call toll-free (866) 739-8546.

I can’t locate my doctor or remember who did the surgery

The Law Office of Howard A. Snyder has years of experience locating medical providers and obtaining medical records.  If you are unsure of who performed your surgery or if you have a recalled medical devise, contact us or call toll-free (866) 739-8546 to have our staff assist you.

Resource, experience and Determination

Our firm has the resources, experience and determination to achieve a favorable outcome for your hip devise lawsuit. We have successfully represented thousands of people in cases involving injuries caused by unsafe products and devices.  We are committed and compassionate; we understand your problems, your pain and your hesitancy to take on such a serious course of action.

But hip devise failure is a major concern.  Depuy promised a new and alternative devise that in the end failed to work as specified.  The possibility of revision surgery is a tremendous burden to you and your family and we can provide the comfort and support you need.  We listen to our clients and provide you the time you need to have your problems listen to.

In addition to our personal touch in handling your case, we are determined to have a favorable outcome and to pursue Depuy.  Our determination has helped thousands of other clients, in similar types of cases to recover fairly, ethically and in a speedy manner.

If you received a Depuy hip devise, contact or call us today regarding your legal rights. 

Copyright © 2018 Law Offices of Howard Snyder.   All Rights Reserved.

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