Class Action (or a representative action) is a form of lawsuit where a group of people who were all treated the same by the defendant, collectively bring a claim to court. A class action ensures that all victims receive fair and just relief, regardless of their ability to hire legal representation personally.

The Law Offices of Howard A. Snyder has years of experience fighting for people who have been injured by a large company and need justice via class action.  The Law Offices of Howard A. Snyder handled one of the few class actions approved after Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, and handled the ONLY class action arising out of the 1994 Northridge Earthquake.  Click here to learn more about The Law Offices of Howard A. Snyder’s class action cases involving Hurricanes Katrina and Rita and click here to learn more about The Law Offices of Howard A. Snyder’s class action case involving the Northridge Earthquake.

The Law Offices of Howard A. Snyder has even litigated class action cases involving what may appear to be minor injustices but are not, such as when the firm represented consumers who purchased a certain type of defective shoe.  The Law Offices of Howard A. Snyder was successful in receiving compensation in the form of new shoes for each and every person who purchased the defective shoe.

The Law Offices of Howard A. Snyder has successfully litigated or is currently litigating several major class action lawsuits.  If you think your case may qualify for class action, contact The Law Offices of Howard A. Snyder today for a Free Case Evaluation.  Contact us or call toll-free (866) 739-8546 or (818) 461-1790.

Copyright © 2018 Law Offices of Howard Snyder.   All Rights Reserved.

Actos Bladder Cancer Warning
Pharmaceutical Drugs Injury
Personal Injury & Wrongful Death
FDA Recalls
Brain, Head, Spinal & Back Injuries
Medical Malpractice
Insurance Bad Faith
Catastrophic Property Damage Claims
Homeowners Property Claims
Motor Vehicles Accidents & Crashes
Consumer Fraud
Class Action Lawsuits
Environmental Toxic Injuries
Erisa Claims


Sexual Molestation or Assault
Actos/Bladder Cancer
Depuy Orthopedics Hip Recall
Yaz & Yasmin Injury
Depakote Birth Defects
Reglan Side Effects
Many other pressing causes of action

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