Diabetics have a number of ongoing medical problems which interfere with their ability to live normal, healthy lives. In seeking treatment for this disease, they have been prescribed Actos and told that the drug was safe.  This is now known to be false. Actos is not safe. Actos causes bladder cancer.  Our firm is undertaking a major battle against the manufacturer of Actos on behalf of our clients, and we want to help you and your family.

While there was evidence linking Actos use with increased cancer rates as far back as 2006, the FDA did not take action and announce that there was an increased risk for bladder cancer until 2010. These new warnings from the FDA indicate that patients taking Actos for 12 months or longer are at an increased risk for developing bladder cancer and followed after two separate medical studies established a 40% increased risk for bladder cancer for patients taking Actos for 12 to 24 months. Shockingly, the studies reported an 80% increased risk of developing bladder cancer for men taking Actos 48 months or longer.

The evidence now shows that Actos dramatically increases the risk of developing bladder cancer, and the longer the use, the greater the risk.  This is unacceptable.  We are prepared to fight for you and your family.  Please contact our firm or fill out the form below and submit it to our office.  We will be in contact with you ASAP so we can begin the process and hold the manufacturer accountable for the harm it has caused.

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